QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Journey into your Soul Path, Find the Answers Within

What Makes This Technique Unique? It was designed by Dolores Cannon, who wrote many books about the QHHT sessions she facilitated. She uncovered a direct pathway to the source of all knowledge, a force holding answers to every conceivable question. The subconscious mind, also known as the Higher Self, Over Soul, the Super Consciousness, is a wellspring of knowledge and a powerful aspect of ourselves. It is empowered to heal the physical, emotional, and etheric body and awaken your soul to its purpose, the reason your soul incarnated here to this third dimension.

Are we not all on a human journey, looking for meaning, clarity, and connection to life? Some, if not most, are on a path of self-discovery, allowing the wonder of life to come into their world.

This was my experience when I had my QHHT session in 2021. This session changed my life in every direction, and it was the best decision I made to journey into my powerful soul to see its path.

Dolores Cannon’s work has educated me to become a practitioner of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, of which I am a member in good standing.

It is my honor to hold space for clients as they journey into their souls to find the answers in just one session. There is a profound beauty that cannot be described with words of having the answers come from within to enlighten their lives.

QHHT Sessions are conducted in person only. Each client must be held in a supportive and safe environment. Each session is private and conducted with the utmost confidentiality.

In preparation for your session, you will be requested to compile two lists of questions. The first pertains to inquiries concerning health, mind, and body. The second set addresses life, personal, emotional, or relationship-related questions. You will receive an email guide for this purpose in the days leading up to your session.

I ask clients to plan on spending the day with me. We will talk about their life experiences and go over their questions together. In a relaxed state, we go into past lives and move into speaking with the higher self for questions, healing, and enlightenment. Clients are held in a protective divine love during their sessions.

This session is for you and your life experiences, with answers to any questions. You, the client, are my only focus on the day of your session. Sessions are six hours or longer if needed. I work with what you need in this time of awakening and healing.

1) Health, mind & body questions 2) Life, personal, emotional, and relationship questions.

Possible questions are life purpose, career, why this certain experience, healing/spiritual life, why a certain person is in their life, unanswered requests, and such. When you begin your questions, please know that your higher self is working with you since it knows exactly what understanding you seek.

Sessions for my clients have been life-changing in many ways, including the repair of the physical body, emotional healing to release what no longer belongs, relationship awakening, the revelation of life experiences that now make sense, disorders/diseases, and why we carry them and what can be done with them, mental clarity, and so much more.

Rest assured, sessions are conducted with utmost confidentiality. The client will receive a recording of the session for personal reflection.