In this lesson, you'll discover that energy is neither created nor destroyed—

Everything in the universe, including you and your body, is made of energy.

Thousands of years ago, people knew the power of vibrations, that energy moves and travels. By learning and practicing these vibrations, you can send them to the world with positive, healing, and transformational intentions through your voice, chants, or mantras.

Like a ripple in water, your energy touches others, traveling from one soul to the next, spreading healing and transformation.

You can see and feel his happiness like the child playing this instrument.

Mantras are like Sonic Medicine—our brains function through electrical activity, with tiny electrical pulses connecting the neurons.

Similarly, the heart emits its electrical field, creating a powerful magnetic field around us. This magnetic energy links the mind and the thoughts it generates back to the heart, where those thoughts originate.

Like links in a chain, our vibrations connect and create a positive energy flow. Mantras, with their rhythmic patterns, anchor themselves in your consciousness. When spoken with mindful intention, they help release emotions like anger, fear, and doubt, allowing you to shift your inner state.

Mantras are energy-based sounds, with their power rooted in meaning and the energetic effects their vibrations create. Chanting a mantra generates a physical vibration that influences your physical and subtle body, producing specific energetic shifts. When combined with intention, the benefits of mantras—both physical and spiritual—are amplified.

Mantras carry immense energy and intention, crafted to create potent sound waves that foster healing, wisdom, creativity, spiritual growth, or abundance. The ability of sound to transform has been handed down through generations, from the sages of India to the ancient Greek philosophers and medieval European monks. Mantras can be recited aloud or silently and are accessible to everyone, offering their powerful effects to all who practice them.

Mantras aren't tied to a direct linguistic translation; their true meaning lies in the experience and energy they invoke for the individual using them.

For instance, chanting "I surrender to the greater forces of the Universe " holds deep significance for me because of an experience that taught me to trust and believe in Source. This mantra carries powerful energy for me, but someone else may not feel the same vibration unless they have experienced something similar. Mantras are ultimately understood through the effects they produce rather than the words themselves.

How to use a Mantra

Sages taught a forty-day discipline even before Noah walked the earth.

Create a mantra that resonates with you, whether a single word or a complete sentence. It is important because it carries significance and has a meaningful vibration for you.

Repetition is essential in this practice, so aim to recite your mantra as frequently as possible throughout the day. Consider committing to this for forty days.

Choose a specific time and place to start this practice, ensuring you feel comfortable and focused. Write your mantra down, or keep it handy on your phone as a reminder. Remember, the more effort and concentration you invest in this practice, the more profound the results will be.

There are mantras for various intentions:

  • Seed mantras - Powerful one-syllable mantras. In Sanskrit, they are known as bija mantras. They have no explicit translation. They are experiences of energy, words that cannot define an experience.

  • Mantras for attracting love

  • Mantras for changing Karma

  • Mantras for health

  • Mantras for mastering fear

  • Mantras for anger and other unhealthy inner conditioning

  • Mantras for abundance and prosperity

  • Mantras for self-empowerment

Who do you want to be?

When presented with endless possibilities, limiting beliefs often arise in our minds. This is a natural part of being human, as we possess the ability to choose and decide. Every day, we make choices, and the nature of those choices, along with their consequences, shapes the events of our lives.

Mantras and sound healing can help you stay aligned with your true path, keeping your focus on your intentions and desires rather than being distracted or veering off course.

Affirmations verses Mantras

The difference between affirmations and mantras lies in their purpose and approach.

Affirmations are positive statements we choose for ourselves, aimed at embodying the person we want to become. They are declarations meant to affirm our qualities or confirm our aspirations, usually spoken once to reinforce a desired self-image.

Affirmations can be helpful, such as starting your morning to cultivate more positive emotions. They are meant to shift our minds in ways that can make us feel better.

Mantras, on the other hand, are repeated chants used in spiritual practice. Unlike affirmations, which are brief and straightforward, mantras require time, focus, and concentration.

Mantra repetition is designed to help you disconnect from the outside world and center your attention on the power of the words, cultivating deep mindfulness and patience.

happy child playing sound with guitar