There are two aspects of sound —- Audible sound and Silent sound

Audible sound can bring on emotions and create physical vibrations that are as dramatic as bringing down walls.

The most commanding sound is the one that you don’t hear, Silent sound.

Sound exists as an energy template, present even when it isn’t audible.

Sound is always around us, even in moments of complete stillness, and some of the most powerful vibrations occur in silence.

Though we may not always hear it, sound still exists as a force of energy, carrying vibration, color, and life force.

Every part of your home—from the walls to the nails holding it together—absorbs sound. The vibrations created in your space can bring harmony or, if stagnant, disharmony.

Just like our bodies can be out of balance, so can our homes. You can use sound tools to cleanse your space, much like you would with sage, creating harmony by releasing the energy that no longer serves you.

Sound cleaning in every corner of your home can restore balance and clear energetic blocks, allowing your space to align with higher frequencies.

The instrument you choose is secondary to the energy and intention you bring when you use it. As you clear a room with sound, shift your awareness to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

Feel the vibrations of the sound within you, as though you are the instrument itself. Allow the boundaries between you, the instrument, and the sound to dissolve.

When you create sound, embody it—become one with the instrument and the frequencies it produces, letting the sound flow through you as a unified force for clearing and transformation.